
  • 马达
    马达 林德02系列液压马达与市面现有产品不同,能够在低转速工况下提供所需扭矩,使启动平顺、灵敏。因此, 无需另外装配减速机。这能减少传动部件,提高整体机械效率,减小风阻,同时降低设备噪音。 更多细节
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The high requirements placed on the driving and working systems of forestry equipment are no problem with drive technology from Linde.

Precisely adjustable pumps and motors provide for high precision when driving and exact positioning and maneuvering while working. The fast-response regulating pumps and Load-Sensing direct control valves of the open loop ensure the fast and direct implementation of the operating functions selected by the driver. The CEB electronic control unit takes care of the control and coordination of the hydraulic system.

